Wednesday 26 March 2014

Friendship's Golden Wings By Ruth Warrens


Angels without wings,

I've heard friends sometimes called.
They walk the earth among us,
to catch us when we fall.

They simply seem most unaware

the importance of their presence,
or how the kindness that they share
gives them special luminescence.

The friends that come in and out of your life

are your own angels in times of defeat.
So when certain ones stand out from the rest,
be sure to treat them specially sweet.

When your weeks are long and troublesome,

and burdens seem more than you can handle,
angel friends help you see through a different light,
and your life can become more tranquil.

These wondrous friends carry a special light,

and though they won't always agree,
you know they're really angels in disguise;
you know because it's what you see.

 Within the arms of true friendship;

the warmth of it feels so pure.
The loving span of its golden wings
Gently wraps to reassure

This poem depicts how despite their under rated importance, friends are an essential part of life who helps us in times of need. When in need of help to lift the huge burden of work, school or great emotional trauma, friends will never fail to be there and comfort the victim. Similarly, we also have to be grateful for the help that they have selflessly offered to us.

The purpose of the of this poem is to allow its audience to understand the importance of friendship. For example, the title "Friendship's golden wings" tells me how crucial or essential friendship is like water in life. From the title, "golden" possibly meaning that friendship is very valuable just as gold is, and "wings" perhaps referring to something high and mighty like a dragon, as winged objects or creature tend to soar to great heights and achieve the impossible.

The main emotion that this poem attempts to convey is gratitude, teaching us to be grateful and thankful for the help that friends have given and still continue to do so. For instance "when your weeks are long and troublesome, and burdens seem more than you can handle" refers to being unable to cope with stress of work, school or emotions, while "angel friends help you see through a different light, and your life can become more tranquil" can mean that the friends can help victims lift their burden off their shoulders, comfort them, cheer them up and help them to forget about their stress allowing them to live a better and calmer life.
The poem is structured in a way such that the third and last lines of each stanza rhyme. This creates a rhythm that sounds calming to the ears, which seeks out the attention of listeners and readers and also to build a cozy and tranquil atmosphere that creates a protective feeling within the audience as well as to provide a comfortable atmosphere to captivate the audience with.

The author uses many words that are of a positive connotation suck as "wondrous", probably to not destroy the comforting and gratifying mood already mood already put in place.
The poem not only compares friends to angels ,but also friendship itself to the value of gold. Figuratively, it shows that friends are almost like "guardian angels", protecting and helping one another on times of need, and that friendship is so priceless because it brings friends together and allows them to help each other through times of hardship and difficulty.

The poem has a slow rhythm with a few rhymes. This gives the poem momentum regularity, again emphasizing  on the cozy and serene atmosphere of the poem.

Finally, the poem makes use of soft sounds, words with letter "o" and elongated vowels such as "seem" and "come". This gives the poem regularity boosting the soothing atmosphere put in place by the other factors. This allows the poem to gain the attention of the audience and captivate them so as to convey the message more effectively.

 Golden Wings:
Guardian Angel:

I am unable to find a picture of Ruth Warren

1 comment:

  1. Good attempt at examining the sounds and the effects.

    It is alright that you do not have a picture of the poetess.
